Before I write this next post, I wanted to be transparent just how grief can affect life. Since creating my blog I’ve shared about a few different topics but none of them made me sad that I had to put a pause on writing like my previous one about becoming my mom’s estate holder. Maybe it was reliving the whole ordeal or maybe it added a bit more reality into my mom being gone. Whatever it was, I needed a break. Now back to the regular scheduled posts.

If you have ever lost anyone, have you ever received signs from them? To be honest, I didn’t always believe in them until my mom passed. I was too young when my grandfather passed and when my grandmother passed in 2012, I experienced grief differently. But after my mom passed, I experienced signs the same day. The first sign was a thunderstorm when I was driving home from the hospital after she died. They say that when it storms after someone passes that it’s God welcoming them to Heaven, even though I know my mom and God were both questioning how she made it there jkjk.

Another incident I will never forget makes me laugh now but was not funny at the time. I was at my moms house on the phone with the lawyers for the estate when all of a sudden the side door from the garage flew open. I told the lawyer to hold on because I thought it was one of her neighbors coming over like they typically did. When I went to the door, no one was there. The garage door was closed and the other side door was closed. And no, there was no wind that day. I stood there for a few minutes looking around to make sure no one was there, and a bit shaken up. I got back on the phone with the lawyer and finished the call. Then I started to laugh because my mom knew I get scared easily and I immediately realized that was my mom trying to be funny. I definitely cursed at her a few times that day.

A few other signs that I’ve experienced over the years:
-no matter what channel I turned the TV off on, when I turned it back on, it would be on the old sitcom channel (a channel my mom often watched)
-on my birthday in 2021, the shelf in the shower decided to fall down by itself…at 6am (thanks for the happy birthday mom)
-on Mother’s Day, I was going to the basement and her record player with cd player turned on, by itself and started playing
-after a game night, a friend stayed over and we were upstairs talking when all of a sudden we heard a loud noise. We go downstairs and the top of the record player, that is always open, shut. We didn’t use it that day.

A few universal signs from our loved ones that myself and people tend to experience and their meanings:
-coins left – encouragement
-feathers found – guardianship
-dreams – guidance
-familiar scents – compassion & love
– artifacts found – “learn about me”
-lights flicker – “I need your attention”
-pet staring – support
-song plays – you got this
-wind blows on a clam day

Also a few animal signs: cardinals, deer, butterflies

Not everyone believes in these signs from our loved ones and that’s okay. Also, something that I wasn’t aware of was that not everyone receives signs from their loved ones. It is not as common as we think so I feel a sense of comfort knowing I’ve received several of them. At first I was a little freaked out but now when they happen, I’ll look up and say “thanks mom.”

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What is grief?

Grief is the process by which a person adjusts to the physical absence of someone with whom they continue to have a psychological or spiritual relationship.

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